As part of the city of Des Moines' cuts, the Des Moines library is down two librarians and a social worker. What those ...
Philadelphia's Department of Licenses and Inspections declared a West Oak Lane apartment building unsafe in November, and ...
Under Wisconsin open records law, you have the right to request access to government records. Here's a step-by-step guide on ...
Florida’s Sunshine Week celebrated easy access to public records — a service that has eroded through the years but is showing ...
A law passed in 2011 required food companies to track food in the event of contamination and a recall. The administration ...
False Claims Act attorneys are considering a worst-case scenario for whistleblowers as they track a case that will decide if ...
The bill protects against frivolous lawsuits targeting individuals or organizations that speak out on issues of public interest or concern.
A federal inquiry into D.E.I. practices at 20 law firms zeroed in on SEO, a decades-old program that helps students land jobs ...
High schoolers wanted to play "Jeopardy" with famous queer history makers, but the school board said no. Now everyone's ...
Connecticut’s FOI law allows access to many records and meetings. If the FOI law were not enacted, members of the public would not have access to information about their government.
Many Americans may not have taken notice, but yesterday marked yet another turning point for this Trump administration: A ...
For Sunshine Week, WyoFile spoke with Darlena Potter about her role fielding complaints from people struggling to access public records.