Only around one in every 10 treatments were found to be effective in relieving lower back pain, according to a new study ...
Low back pain is one of the most common medical complaints in the world. Globally, over 600 million people suffer from it.
Low back pain affects an estimated one in four American adults and is the leading contributor to disability globally. In most ...
Only about 10 percent of common, nonsurgical treatments for lower back pain appear effective, with many therapies working ...
Only around one in ten non-surgical and non-interventional treatments for lower back pain are effective, a research study has ...
Low back pain is a growing problem across the world and is the leading cause of disability world wide but a recent study ...
But a new study has found that only one in 10 treatments for lower back pain are effective, with those that improve symptoms ...
Review reveals nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective for acute pain and 5 treatments are effective for chronic pain.
A data analysis published in a scientific journal indicates that differences with placebo are marginal for most treatments ...
A systematic review in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine reveals only 10% of treatments for low back pain offer genuine relief.
Only around 1 in 10 common non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for lower back pain is effective, suggests a pooled data ...