Of the 1,550 hours of study currently required in Iowa for a cosmetology license, 960 must be devoted to practical ...
A bill moving through the Iowa Legislature has the attention of those working in the barber and cosmetology industry. House ...
MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - Prepare to get pampered: NMU’s Cosmetology program is hosting its third Lucky You event on ...
That’s not entirely different from the old structure, which allowed for individual licenses in esthetics and nail design. But ...
E2CCB Partners With The Waterfront Foundation For ‘Love Yourself’ Events. Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES and The ...
It would also create opportunities for individuals wanting to specialize in a department of cosmetology by allowing them to earn "micro licenses" for specific services like nails, eyelash ...
But the federal funding benefiting Johnstown’s public schools may be in jeopardy if the Trump administration’s plans to ...
She graduated from the cosmetology program at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in 2020. After her release from prison, she opened The Young Experiment in Tualatin, providing services such as ...
The deadline for Governor Glenn Youngkin to approve, amend or veto bills passed in this year’s general assembly it today, ...
Mabel Bassett, Oklahoma’s women’s prison, have been working for the past several months to earn their cosmetology and barbering license.