In the depths of the world's longest cave, researchers have uncovered the fossilized remains of a 340-million-year-old shark.
Discovered in 2000 by an amateur cave explorer, the Grotte de Cussac in the Dordogne department holds ancient human remains, ...
Fragments of a partial skull unearthed in a cave in northern Spain have revealed a previously unknown population of ancient ...
Archaeologists uncover an 8,400-year-old human figurine in Azerbaijan’s Damjili Cave, shedding new light on Mesolithic art ...
Analysis of Moroccan stalagmites reveals that the Sahara received increased rainfall between 8,700 and 4,300 years ago, ...
The discovery of a golden scaleless fish in China is helping scientists understand how animals evolved to live in caves.
Professor Lee Berger, the project's leader and Director of the Centre for Exploration of the Deep Human Journey at Wits ...
New fossil evidence from a Spanish cave suggests an unknown prehistoric human population once lived in Europe.
Fossilized bone fragments unearthed in a cave in northern Spain in 2022 have ... at London’s Natural History Museum, said the discovery was a “very important find.” “The facial shape ...
The story about our ancestors can change at any moment thanks to the tireless work of researchers. In 2022, a team of experts unearthed fragments of a human skull in the Sima del E ...
Scientists have found ancient nail tooth shark fossils deep inside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, revealing new information about ...