Jim and Amy Crawford farm flowers, fruit and food at their regenerative farm, drawing on science and the synergy of nature.
With so many ways to make compost, you're guaranteed to find a method that suits your needs. Discover the best ways to make ...
Insects’ aversion to worm castings is demonstrated when they are spread over ant nests, causing the ants to remove themselves ...
Brunswick became one several years ago and was awarded Greengold Enviroschool status in 2024, which only 10% of the Enviroschools in the country have achieved. Enviroschools is an environmental action ...
If you want a homemade option, you can create a powerful fertilising tea from compost or worm castings.
The compost is brewed into a tea for application to the plants. Worm castings build long-term soil fertility due to the immense variety of bacteria and fungi found in the castings. This ...
Microgreens don’t require much fertilizer because they are harvested quickly, however adding worm casting or worm tea can help your greens grow larger more quickly. Microgreens are typically ...
Organic fertilizers also add microbes to the soil that boost worm growth and ... make their own organic "tea" to use, if you are a novice use a packaged organic fertilizer and follow label ...