L’antenne eysinaise du centre communal de santé Cynthia-Fleury propose des consultations médicales les mardis et jeudis, ...
Découvrez l'astuce de podologue pour dire adieu aux douleurs en talons et profiter de vos journées et soirées sans souffrir.
Elle accueille un médecin, deux cabinets d’infirmières ... a expliqué le premier magistrat au moment de couper le ruban. Il était entouré de ses élus. "Le visage de notre village change ...
On peut aussi noter que le choix des destinations est fortement influencé par la langue parlée dans le pays d'accueil. Ainsi un patient français souhaitant réaliser certains soins s'orientera plus ...
Experts discuss how cancer treatment and survivorship can be made more equitable and affordable through advocacy, outreach, and effective communication tools. Beyond Cancer: Caring for Young ...
Medical research involves research in a wide range of fields, such as biology, chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology with the goal of developing new medicines or medical procedures or improving ...
Provide ready and sustained health services support and force health protection in support of the Total Force to enable readiness and to conserve the fighting strength while caring for our People ...
Several international agreements guide the work of UN Women: UN Women’s strategic plan, 2022–2025 outlines UN Women’s strategic direction, objectives and approaches to support efforts to achieve ...
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human ...
Welcome to the Lancet Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Resource Centre, bringing together the most comprehensive data and analysis of worldwide trends in global health, published across the Lancet ...
Mehmet Oz, President Trump’s pick to lead the CMS, said Medicare beneficiaries should have quicker access to new medical devices once they’re FDA-approved.