These cookies are necessary for our websites to work. Functions include log-in, saving language preferences, performance measurement and improvement, routing traffic between web servers ...
The American Chemical Society dedicated Thomas Edison's work in chemistry as a National Historic Chemical Landmark in ceremonies at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers, Fla., on May 25, ...
Doug Most is the author of The Race Underground. The American Experience film of the same name is based in part on his book. A version of this article originally appeared on Most’s blog in 2015.
Thomas Edison noticed this first in 1883 ... The Edison effect, incidentally, is the only piece of scientific work Edison ever did. He was not a scientist but an inventor, a tinkerer.
When inventor Thomas Edison would hit a creative block ... Edison claimed that he would often wake up from these cat naps with new ideas to continue his work. Salvador Dalí had a similar technique ...
Ford initially stayed in Thomas Edison's guest house and then later bought property next door. Ford, Firestone and Edison were always collaborating. Mina Edison helped preserve her husband's work ...
Ten buildings in legendary inventor Thomas Edison's plant ... to him as he watched the fire destroy his dad's work. In a childlike voice, Edison told his 24-year-old son, "Go get your mother ...
Were you Seen at The Capital Region Thomas Edison Music Awards (The Eddies) 2025 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on March 24, 2025, at Universal Preservation Hall in Saratoga Springs? Were you ...
The New York Attorney General's Office slammed Consolidated Edison Inc. with a wide-ranging court settlement to cure a long-standing culture of sexual harassment and discrimination toward women at ...
A new book examines the evolution of the American workplace, interrogating the idea that hard work is enough to ensure ... Burton The second wife of Thomas Edison, she viewed domestic labor ...
Back in 1885, Thomas Edison was one of the original snowbirds after building ... Her dollar helped in her mission to preserve his work and their life together, which consisted of the main house, guest ...