Opening Day for the Detroit Tigers is about hope, and joy, and about things being better than they were the year before. I’m ...
I got lucky there, even with the stroke turning into an extended stay at Detroit Medical Center — the docs broke up the blood clot (I was ... then found testicular cancer (and snipped it out).
According to the Mayo Clinic, deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in one of the deep veins of the body, usually ...
Deep vein thrombosis is an abnormal clot within a vessel where the congealing of blood blocks the flow through on the way ...
The veteran all-star Milwaukee Bucks guard was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in his lower right leg). He will be out of action for a significant period of time. Here's some ...
Deep vein thrombosis is an abnormal clot within a vessel where the congealing of blood blocks the flow through on the way back to the heart. It is most common in legs but also can happen in the ...