The majority of the threatened species do not grow in environmentally protected locations. Tropical plants in the genus ...
Two Florida botanical gardens placed on this list of the top '10 Best in the U.S.' Here's why, where they are and how much it ...
If your peace lily houseplant is sitting pretty with green foliage, now is the time to encourage the plant to flower.
Through a course in dendrology, the study of the taxonomy of woody plants in the absence of flowers or fruits, two experts in ...
Holland is almost ready to issue a request for proposals for the relocation of an historic greenhouse to Centennial Park.
A peace lily owner has shared the simple trick she uses to encourage her houseplant to flower - it also keeps the plant happy ...
Longtime owner David Bridges is confident Coastal Landscaping and Garden Center is in good hands. "They're good people." ...
Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead. Plan now so you know what flowers to grow, ones you can cut and bring indoors to enjoy.
Kyushu University researchers created a model to study how sunlight affects plants under different weather conditions.