Fishing for steelhead in Niagara County’s streams is one way to take a bite out of early spring. Fisheries experts say March is prime time to snag these flashy fish, as thawing begins and the fish ...
All steelhead start life as rainbow trout, but not all rainbow trout will become steelhead. Confused? You’re not alone.
California Trout submitted a petition in 2021 urging the state to list the steelhead population as endangered. Small numbers of fish continue to return to the Santa Clara and Santa Ynez rivers ...
FEEDING: Young trout fry feed mostly on zooplankton. Adult steelhead eat aquatic and terrestrial insects, mollusks, crustaceans, fish eggs, minnows, and other small fishes. THREATS: Threats include ...
Look for all of the Lake Erie tributaries to open up in the coming days and offer good trout fishing fairly soon.
Luke Hein has been surf casting at select spots around Lake Michigan this winter and doing well for small brown trout and steelhead. Hein has found nooks around Chicago, Indiana and Michigan.
You want things as small as you can get them. If you’re running minnows, you want the smaller minnows.” Campbell says this mimics natural conditions for the fish. Because steelhead have a ...