Learn about the increased pressure in the portal vein, its causes like cirrhosis, and resulting complications such as ...
A scientific statement regarding sex differences in patients with peripheral vascular disease has been published by the AHA.
Sarah Blackburn's experience highlights the importance of routine medical checkups. Despite a healthy lifestyle, a full-body ...
Following injection of calcium into the splenic artery, a threefold increase in insulin from baseline was measured from the hepatic vein, a result consistent with the MRI findings. The patient was ...
Splenic artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms ... clots burden along with advanced liver and cavernous transformation of her thrombosed portal vein. Despite medical management and banding of her ...
superior mesenteric vein, celiac artery and splenic vessels) or the appearance of ribbon-like, reticular soft tissue density shadows or irregular mass shadows (27).If any of the following conditions ...
• Ultrasound guidance may lead to a higher first-attempt success rate and improved time to successful common femoral artery (CFA) access, while reducing the venipuncture rate (unintentionally ...