Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device Sony launched a fully ...
The PlayStation 3 contained some exceptional games that were extremely impressive in terms of what they could do for the ...
Sony attempts to make its current-gen console more accessible by offering rental options for gamers who aren’t ready to ...
The videogame industry has been recovering at a sluggish pace following a post-pandemic slump, as concerns over economic ...
It’s been a while since we got a meaningful update on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake, a game originally ...
Like everybody in tech nowadays, Sony and its PlayStation brand have AI on their minds. On the one hand, the company is ...
Sony increased its income forecast for the whole year to $ ... such as computers, mobile phones, and game consoles. This ...
Sony's new beta program will only require users to register once The program will include beta tests for PS5 and PC games Beta Program at PlayStation will also include PS5 and PS app features ...
The storage on your PS5 is not going to cut it; check out our list of the best PS5 external hard drives to back up your ...
PC (and even in some cases Xbox) owners should not have to wait years for a port due to timed exclusivity - and in this case regarding GTA 6, there will be PC gamers (who don't own any consoles) that ...
Sony has brought its PlayStation 5 rental service to the UK, which offers temporary leases on consoles and other accessories ...
PCs and consoles are more alike than ever these days, but the gap in gaming sales is projected to wide by quite a bit by the ...