They command enormous fees to insert themselves in your teenager’s life, choosing classes, extracurriculars—even summer activities—all in the pursuit of creating the perfect college candidate. Good ...
Legendary Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash is loved for his nickname just as much he is for his music skills, and in a recent ...
Olly Pearson, 11, impressed the Britain's Got Talent judges with his guitar skills on last night's show as he belted out epic ...
The star-studded LP features re-recorded versions ... as "Lights Out" "Too Hot to Handle," "Doctor Doctor" and "Rock Bottom." "When Slash came to the recording studio in Frankfurt to record ...
Ozzy Osbourne has planned his final concert with Black Sabbath along for the ride, and as the days countdown to that big show the rock ... star lineup with Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins ...
Young Britain's Got Talent star Olly Pearson has shared his huge ... "I've heard the King likes rock music." He added: "I could get him to rock out. I'd love to perform for him at the Royal ...
And when The Rock came out after Rhodes and Reigns won as a tag-team at the Bad Blood PLE last October, counting 1-2-3 with a throat slash gesture ... while giving a 20-year star a chance ...