Months after being fired from his position at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas, Steven Lawson took to X to share a message to ...
In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
Pastor Steven Lawson, previously a popular preacher in Texas, admitted to having "sinned grievously" six months after he was removed from his role as lead preacher at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas ...
Milo of Croton competed for worldy glory and fame. But, dear reader, do you have Milo’s perseverance and courage to run the ...
Springtime brings us a wide variety of joyous and colorful celebrations in the cycle of sacred time. People do not realize that religions cannot only fill our lives and our years with stern ...
Pastor Steven Lawson has been removed from his role at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas due to an alleged “inappropriate ...
No. No secular music allowed in the house, no secular TV. I could only watch one show a week, and movies and cassette tapes ...
In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
And in his teaching he said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at ...
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is when Jesus healed the man possessed by a legion of Demons. This story is found in ...
A tale of good versus evil played out on the large screen in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Finland. Jesus was shown in robes with long hair and a beard, while Satan was dressed in ...
But working - briefly - for a media outfit with a left-leaning audience was an eye-opener. In particular, I was struck by the ...