I read the book in one evening — it’s warm ... everything and then you can come back in again.” Start with the short poem Deborah prescribes for us all in this uncertain and volatile moment ...
Don't just say "I like you" or "I love you"—make your love confession to that special someone in a more romantic way, with an unforgettable poem.
How students at USC Aiken explore the histories and cultures of Latin America through its diverse literature was the topic of ...
NPR's Scott Simon talks with John Himmelman about his new collection of illustrated poems for children, "The Boy Who Lived in ...
"There is simply no telling how far stocks can fall in a short period," he wrote in his 2017 letter to shareholders. But ...
If reading short stories offered an efficient way to forget the world I was living in, reciting a poem gave me a different way to move through it. To hold onto that feeling, to be able to summon t ...
Atlantic Books has pre-empted ’the book on poetry you never knew you needed’ by the author of The Etymologicon, Mark Forsyth.
Since then, he has written plays, short stories, essays ... to incorporate poetry into one’s daily life is not to read or write poetry. I’m only half-joking here. I advocate adopting the ...
The director of the conference, Theodore Morrison, lived in the main house on the farm with his wife, Kay, who would walk a short ... the first poem he ever published, after reading Francis ...
$26.99) Buried deep in Hannah Arendt’s archives in the Library of Congress are two typed and handbound books of verse—short, expressive ... and the seasons. The early poems read like a controlled ...
I adored the way authors were able to evoke emotion and take me on a journey through words on a page. I wanted that gift. I dreamed that I could write something that allows anyone who reads it to get ...