An epidermoid cyst, commonly and incorrectly referred to as a sebaceous cyst ... the area around it sometimes become inflamed. This can cause pain, swelling, and skin redness and other color ...
Here is what to do if you spot strange white bumps on your lips or genitals, a condition known medically as fordyce spots.
I had one removed from my head when I was about eight-years-old and didn't have another until two years ago. Now I have three that have come up on my head beneath my hair.
sebaceous cysts, skin tags, lipomas, abscesses, or infections like mastoiditis. It may also be caused by benign tumors like chondromas affecting cartilage and osteomas affecting bone. A less likely ...
Sebaceous cysts occur in many parts of the body, including the breasts and armpits. The typically small, round, hardened bumps may be entirely painless or cause significant pain, redness, and swelling ...
Rarely, minocycline can cause hypersensitivity ... although it does inhibit sebaceous gland activity. Dapsone (25-200 mg/day) is a useful treatment for recalcitrant nodulocystic acne.
Benign tumors tend to stay in one place, while malignant tumors grow and may cause new tumors to develop in other parts of your body. Both cysts and tumors can appear in your skin, tissue ...