That’s not entirely different from the old structure, which allowed for individual licenses in esthetics and nail design. But ...
Reusing older materials means the “sunk costs” of the original purchase passed long ago. Old-growth hardwood sometimes can’t ...
With the decline of traditional motor shows, carmakers are turning to tech shows for launches. We look at the biggest of them ...
PsychoHairapy trains beauty professionals to use hair as a gateway to mental health, turning salons into spaces for healing ...
The fall of the Berlin Wall, the breakup of the Soviet Union from 1989 to 1991 and the end of the Cold War then ushered in the new era of globalization. The admission of China to the World Trade ...
Canada has long been a welcoming oasis for newcomers who’ve left behind dangerous conditions or difficult lives overseas in ...
From nostalgic mall boutiques to brooding tattoo artists, getting pierced has always been a gamble. But Rowan promises a ...
Why would we want a higher doctrine of scripture than we have of Jesus?
Taaooma is narrating how she used to make her sister come and scare the alfa's in her ilekewu anytime they tried to beat her.
Mom files complaint against Oakland County Prosecutor for dropping case against the man who allegedly drugged her son and ...
Five years on from the first lockdown, Newsroom reads the entire 716-page Royal Commission into the Covid-19 response and ...
Don’t buy the AI hammer then look for the nail. If you won’t take it from us, then listen to a professor in the UK’s central ...