Discover how neuromuscular retraining techniques reprogram movement patterns to resolve chronic pain, offering longer-lasting ...
The purpose of the following paragraphs is to discuss cut-off values, assessment tools, and intervention programs for GIRD, rotator cuff strength deficit, and scapular dyskinesis. In addition, ...
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an involuntary movement condition, meaning you can't control your movements. "Tardive" means late, and "dyskinesia" means uncontrolled movements. It's often a side ...
“I am very pleased that the clinical effect of CPL’36 has now been confirmed also for the treatment of LID dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease,” said Celon’s CEO Maciej Wieczorek, PhD.
Scapular winging involves one or both shoulder blades sticking out from the back rather than lying flat. It is a rare condition that may result from injury or nerve damage. This article will ...
There is a decree issued by Pope Paul V in 1613 stating the importance of wearing this scapular: "It is permitted to preach that the Blessed Virgin will help by her continued assistance and her ...
The abnormal anterior translation of the GHJ within this group can be due to a combination of several factors: excessive anterior capsular laxity, scapular dyskinesis, tight posterior capsule, ...
D’Annunzio”; Chieti-Pescara, via Fonte Romana, 65124 Pescara, Italy; email: Background: Recent short-term studies suggested that amantadine (Ama) might ameliorate dyskinesia in ...