so that we might be justified by His grace, and become heirs in hope of ... By repenting of our sins and receiving Christ into our heart, we are saved from hell (Acts 3:19; Rev. 3:20).
Alcoholics Anonymous helped make the Serenity Prayer famous, but it was written by one of the 20th century’s most influential ...
Or sign-in if you have an account. OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s daughter, sixteen-year-old Ella-Grace, introduced her father before his speech to Liberal party members on Sunday in ...
As she poured the milk into the teacup she tells him, “That is what your soul is like – it is dark, and when the grace ... you through them. Beyond Floyd’s stories, the reader is captivated ...
Sharon Cuneta and Janice de Belen gave a glimpse of their ferocious maternal side when asked to react to a situation similar to a scene in their latest show, “Saving Grace: The Untold Story.” ...
Just like you call the fire department when ... nearly exhausted. Those above saved her life as Carrol says, "By the grace of God." This is a story of normal, everyday heroes.
Matt’s Catholicism teaches that all life is not only valuable but redeemable, that all sin can be forgiven and even the most broken soul can be saved ... that his words about grace may have ...
Foley was on the morning talk show to discuss his upcoming ... hear from you! Share your opinions in the thread below and remember to keep it respectful. Your comment has not been saved This ...
As we prayerfully take a step back from conflict to gain a spiritual view, the peace God has established becomes more apparent to us.
When you spend a lifetime ... their relationship can be saved. Years ago, I was speaking with a professional, appealing guy. He told me how he divorced his wife. They weren’t getting along ...
James Harrison, an Australian man who saved the lives ... who existed because of his kindness,” she added. “He always said it does not hurt, and the life you save could be your own.” ...
Hulu's new miniseries "Good American Family" is based on the real story of Natalia Grace Mans ... and conspiracy to commit neglect. "You are arresting the wrong person. She's not who she says ...