With multiple robotics courses now being offered and a new robotics lab slated to open this year, Michigan Technological University's College of Computing is introducing Balto the robot dog to the ...
Not long ago, I asked The New Yorker’s editor, David Remnick, whether he’d ever return to the Academy Awards, having attended ...
No way, she was quite likely the most tech-savvy greeter the BAFTAs have ever had -spewing out digital greetings with the exactness of a robot who has learned the art of charm or at least ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
Figure, maker of the humanoid robot Figure 02, unveiled its new Helix AI in a video showing two robots working together to put away groceries. Jesse Orrall (he/him/his) is a Senior Video Producer ...
A thumb-size $100 robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has arrived at the south pole of the moon. But the machine, called AstroAnt, isn’t going to explore the lunar surface.
The robot has been developed by EngineAI robotics, a Shenzhen-based startup. Humanoid robots, wearing high-visibility police vests, patrolling the streets have been spotted in the Chinese ...
A new report suggests that Apple and Meta could end up competing in the humanoid robots field. The social media company is said to be making “significant investment” in this product category ...
Equipped with firework launchers, the flying drone and the robot dog sporting its own firework launcher on its back are seen in footage shooting at each other in rapid fire. The wild scene ...
Forward-looking: Meta is reportedly planning major investments in AI-powered humanoid robots. The company is said to be in the initial stages of developing futuristic bots that can perform ...