Arizona State University's Forensics program is drawing on the school's well-known propensity for innovation, showcasing the ...
Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
One of the region’s most vibrant annual exhibitions provides visions of Sunshine Coast youth through the work of more than ...
Thirty-eight years ago, an ambitious young cartoonist named Frank Caruso turned up to the Manhattan offices of King Features ...
The mind is so deeply attached to the self that it can be unsettling to consider how much thinking we don’t do ourselves.
Born Again was announced by Marvel Studios, one name began to echo loudly among fans, carrying both promise and a certain kind of warning, that name was Frank Castle, the Punisher.
An infodump from the Human Torch reveals that the settlement is home to the Red Skulls, a band of neo-Nazis who draw inspiration ... bring his methods into the real world. Unfortunately, the ...
It lets you hold a zombie off with one arm while you break a bottle on their head and jam the jagged end through their squishy skull ... melee combat is the real draw, letting you create your ...
Saying “chat” in real life is an ironic joke ... If someone responds to a joke with "dead" or a skull emoji, they find it funny. Deadass: Seriously. Used like, "I am deadass not lying." ...
Discover free accounts and keys for The Forest on Steam! Find out how easy it is to access this exciting game about survival ...