Astronomers have identified the source of strange radio flashes: a binary system containing a white dwarf, the remnant of a Sun-like star.
A mysterious and powerful burst of radio waves reached Earth after traveling through space for 8 billion years dubbed FRB ...
A cosmic enigma, ASKAP J1839-0756, a slow-spinning neutron star discovered using the ASKAP radio telescope, is challenging ...
Astronomers have finally traced a strange class of radio signals—long a cosmic mystery—to a binary star system made up of a ...
A research team led by McGill identifies neutron stars as the likely source of fast radio bursts, one of the universe's most ...
However, a groundbreaking revelation has now uncovered the true source of these mysterious radio waves – and it’s not aliens, but a rare and unusual binary star system located over 1,600 light-years ...
But de Ruiter didn’t think the star would be able to produce radio waves by itself. Something else had to be instigating it. The pulses differed from fast radio bursts, which are incredibly ...
AMONG the facts to be explained in a satisfactory theory of the propagation of radio waves over the earth's surface are the curvature of the rays in transmission between stations far apart ...
The systematic investigation of the properties and characteristics of these very short waves was taken up in view of the advantages which they seemed to offer in the field of practical radio ...
Fast radio bursts are an intriguing cosmic conundrum. They are huge spikes of radio waves that appear in radio telescope observations, lasting just milliseconds, but discharging in that time as much ...