Neon Genesis Evangelion remade the mecha genre in its own image and changed the medium of anime forever. Even popular anime ...
Nura Maznavi’s smart and swoon-worthy novel retells Jane Austen’s Persuasion in a modern-day Pakistani American community. It centers on Asma, a doctor who reunites with her college sweetheart, now a ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Steven Soderbergh isn’t just the director and cinematographer of his latest film. He’s also, in a way, its central character.
It’s because it’s just the brain trust and none of the psychic real estate is taken up ... if you talk to Focus Features and Neon and A24, young people are going to the movies.
Your LOVE horoscope You are not your usual tolerant self today. People annoy you with their constant chit-chat and idle ...
Night Shyamalan's treatise on faith against the unknown, Signs is a memorable early 2000s ... its story about a vagrant psychic (played by Stephen Lack) who is recruited into a mission to stop ...