More progress has been made on getting most of the things back into the newspaper that were interrupted due to the Feb. 3 ...
Since Feb. 3, when a cyberattack shut down most systems at Lee Enterprises, the parent company of the North Platte Telegraph, ...
The Lively and 360 sections have returned, as well as the latest news seven days a week in the E-edition. So even on days when a print edition isn’t delivered to your door you can still read local ...
This outage wasn’t something we anticipated, and the road to recovery has been long. But along the way, you’ve shown the patience and grace typically reserved for a friend. And ...
Richard is a dedicated husband, father and grandfather, a wonderful actor in community theater, a wry humorist who loves a ...
Medicaid looks to be one of the big corks Congress hopes will help plug an estimated $4.7 trillion flood of red ink that ...
The easiest example for me was 62-Across, [* Composed *], which solves to WRITTEN IN THE STARS. The word “Composed,” defined ...
Like any mother, I would gladly contract every plague known to nature if it would spare my children pain. But my subject here ...
Eric Robeson took plenty of needling for the orange cowboy hat he wore while peddling raffle tickets at last year’s Kickin’ ...
Senators voted 35-7 late Wednesday to approve the so-called “tort-reform bill,” officially passing it Thursday. Supporters say they believe the legislation will ultimately help South Carolinians save ...
In hour #2, Steve Kelly and Loren Tate welcome News-Gazette sportswriter Scott Richey to the studio to talk about the ...
A classic episode of “All in the Family” features Archie Bunker taunting his wife’s liberal cousin, Maude, by denouncing Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As Maude begins to fume, Edith begs her husband to s ...