Aplichau Kaifong Primary School and Price Memorial Catholic Primary School not allocated any Primary One classes for next ...
A teacher was banned from the classroom after she was so drunk she was unable to lead a classroom of primary school children ...
Pupils still eat meals in a marquee a year since dangerous concrete was found at their school.
Nicholas Prosper plotted to target the youngest children at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Luton after murdering his ...
The community will get a chance to comment on the potential closure of an Androscoggin County School Wednesday night.
Police rushed to Elm Park Primary School's hall, in Havering, after 9pm on Saturday after teenagers were reportedly involved ...
Swedish property owner Hemsö is set to develop a new nursery and primary school in the Pasila district of Helsinki, Finland, ...
A 19-year-old British man who shot and killed his mother and two younger siblings and who wanted to carry out a high-profile ...
"What we used to do for one or two children, we're now doing for the whole class," she said. "We just don't have the staff to ...
Pupils at West Croft Primary got hands-on with science as they met exotic creatures, created colourful explosions, and even ...
Plumberow Primary Academy, in Hockley, has been recognised for its efforts to improve its outdoor playground over the last two years. The school, part of Lift Schools, has been awarded the highest ...