13 Polite Habits Flight Attendants Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead 16 Polite Habits Teachers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead Using polite words and phrases will help ...
Yes, it is perfectly polite to close the door when you need privacy. All you have to do is go to the door, say, “Excuse me, I’m going to close the door for a little while now,” and do so.
The neighbor's wife seems really sweet. Should she be told her husband could be a closeted gay or bisexual man?
2. Greetings matter Always start with a polite greeting. “Hi” is great for friends, but professional emails require slightly more formality. “Dear [Name]” is the standard, but if you do no ...
Being friendly in a language that you don't know very well can be quite challenging. For a start, let's focus on the polite basics, like greeting someone. Apart from this regular cast, there are a ...