Plants are able to modify their root hydraulics to maintain water status and strategically use soil water, according to a new ...
The time of day also makes a difference for your roses. "Morning is the best time to water," says Waltz. Wet leaves can be ...
On Feb. 26, the city of Aberdeen announced a plan to replace sidewalks and trees along three blocks of Market Street between ...
Growing vegetables, flowers, and herbs in a raised garden bed is a handy solution if you have poor soil or drainage problems, ...
Researcher Shikhadri Mahanta explains the effective eco credentials of atmospheric cold plasma as a food science technique.
Marijn Vermuë (31) runs the farm together with his father Adri (64). Their arable farm operates in two locations: Werkendam ...
In several experiments, the wearable accurately identified the presence of hydrogen peroxide in groups of plants exposed to a ...
Environmental conditions can cause damaging stress to plants, posing challenges for home gardeners and farmers. Therefore, ...