Millions of people in Cuba are without power after a failure of the nation’s electric grid left the island in the dark ...
What you eat today can have a lasting effect on your health. Recent research from Harvard — presented at a meeting of the ...
Cuba is grappling with its fourth significant blackout in just five months, a troubling scenario that mirrors the ongoing energy struggles faced by close ally South Africa, highlighting the urgent nee ...
In a televised address, Lázaro Guerra Hernández, the Director-General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, ...
Scientists explore partial cellular reprogramming using antibiotics to reverse aging and repair cells and tissues safely.
In humans and other multicellular organisms, cells multiply. This defining feature allows embryos to grow into adulthood, and enables the healing of the many bumps, bruises and scrapes along the way.
A person's 'bioenergetic age' -- or how youthfully their cells generate energy -- might be a key indicator of whether they're at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, new research shows. The study ...