The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Open: Wellcome Collection The "Peruvian harpy": a harpy with two t... The "Peruvian harpy": a harpy with two tails, horns, fangs, winged ears, and long ...
Peruvian media have been captivated by the story of a 61-year-old fisherman who drifted on his boat in the Pacific Ocean for ...
So how do you tell whether your Brazilian/Peruvian etc. is genuine or not? Burn test: Simply cut a strand of hair and put it on a burning flame. If it melts slowly into a ball instead of burning ...
Peruvian conservators chipped away at 1,000 ... "The painting was rubbed off in the back, and we found human hair embedded in the throne." The hair has not yet been analyzed, but the team plans ...