Scientists have revealed how tiny swimming organisms—such as bacteria—are able to move faster when traveling as a group—and ...
Researchers have identified the human enzyme APEH as a crucial activator of antimalarial prodrugs, paving the way for more ...
Industry experts weigh in on the factors that may be responsible for the country being able to bring home only very few of ...
The researchers said they saw puppies playing in fenced-off playgrounds, despite signs indicating dogs were barred from the ...
Emma Burton said it was "a nightmare" and she immediately had to turn back around to get both Rory and Snowball home safe.
No one has yet figured out how to usher in the utopia. And the wisest among us do not bother trying. Nonetheless, the fact ...
Stick around after the closing credits for the next showtime, though, and a rather different movie will come up: October 8, ...
When choices stray from moral and ethical principles, it’s a sign that faulty interpretations are at play ...
We tested seven of the best water filter pitchers to compare their design, ease of use and value. Two came out on top as the ...
From mice performing first aid to birds using antioxidants, animals display remarkable self-medication behaviors that could ...
A parasitic wasp that flew among dinosaurs had a Venus flytrap-like contraption on its abdomen that likely allowed it to ...
Among the viral pathogen families classed as high risk for both epidemics and pandemics are coronaviridae, which includes ...