"After your orchid flowers have fallen, cut off three inches of the stem," advised Lynne. "This will allow the production of ...
I was inspired to try growing orchids after attending the Garden’s Orchid Show last week and would like some advice regarding ...
This means the transparent pot must have holes in the bottom of it to allow excess water to drain away from the plant. Orchids may also have a preference for the type of water that they are given.
We were looking for a quick escape from the winter chill when a friend and I decided to make the trip to the Cleveland ...
Repotting is an essential step in any plant's growth cycle, and that includes orchids. As a moth orchid flourishes, it will naturally start to outgrow the pot it's in and will need to be ...
As in years past, the event is a marvel, a visual and horticultural feast for both body and soul, a celebration of one of the ...
Terra-cotta pots are a longtime favorite of gardeners and growers because they regulate moisture and permit air circulation ...
A woman took to social media to ask for the "best" way to water orchids, which can be quite tricky to get right. Thankfully, ...
Orchids (Orchidaceae) are a popular potted plant known for their unique ... This is because smaller pots hold less soil, and less soil means less water. Because of this, you will likely need ...