Fasting, particularly during the holy month of Ramazan, is one of the five pillars of Islam, and its significance is deeply ...
On this day, let us focus on attaining peace of mind through prayers, duas, and reflection. Ramadan provides us with the ...
In conclusion, I reiterate – there is no need to insult other religions or their followers in trying to promote yours.
Every day of fasting (Roza) in Ramadan carries its own significance, offering spiritual lessons and guidance. The fifth Roza ...
Resentment of US involvement, mind seduction, accepting totalitarian terror, illusory certainty — say we’ve learnt nothing ...
Baghdadi, a prominent ninth-century Sufi, explains this by saying, “Whatever draws near to God vanishes.” Tawhid does not ...
There has been a spate of incidents that caused much disharmony among the people of different religions lately. These ...
Istighfar is a gateway to relief and happiness. Whenever you feel distressed, start reciting it, and it will calm your heart ...
(I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger.) This statement affirms your belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad ...