Japan activated its Japan Self-Defense Force Joint Operations Command (JJOC) Monday, allowing its military to better conduct ...
The head of U.S. Forces Japan, Air Force Lt. Gen. Stephen Jost, speaks during the Joint Operations Command activation ...
SEATTLE - The operator of a ferry service between Vancouver Island and Washington state says it’s sorry for “unintentionally” raising the Canadian flag upside down as it entered Victoria ...
JERUSALEM, March 23 (Reuters) - Israel's security cabinet approved a plan to separate 13 Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West ... we raise the flag, build and settle.
HALIFAX - A Nova Scotia centre for education has issued a directive allowing only Canada and Nova Scotia flags to fly outside South Shore schools. Peter Day, head of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union ...
HALIFAX - Nova Scotia’s education minister says he will make it clear to schools on the province’s South Shore that they are expected to resume flying flags representing diverse communities.
In honor of his mother and others imprisoned at the internment camp, baseball player Dan Kwong has restored a diamond in the ...
A motion that aims to stop the four-year practice of running the Pride flag at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board will go to a vote on Monday. This comes as tensions are rising at the ...
AMORY – Last year, Mark Lantrip, who served eight years in the U.S. Navy, found a way to honor both deceased veterans and their families through his nonprofit, Flags for Families. It provides ...
there are questions about how officials in other government offices and departments could have been unaware of red flags surrounding a high-ranking officer who crashed his county pickup truck into ...
However, when the United States went to war with Japan in 1941, Nathaniel’s grandson, who was Takashi’s grandfather, and other family members burned Perry's American flag for fear of persecution.