If you’re pregnant, your doctor might have mentioned an NT scan or first-trimester screening ... All unborn babies have a skin fold, called a nuchal fold, at the back of the neck that holds ...
Sameer Raniga, MD, DNB; P.D. Desai, MD; Hetal Parikh, MD The most commonly studied soft markers of aneuploidy include a thickened nuchal fold, rhizomelic limb shortening, mild fetal pyelectasis ...
Keith Eddleman, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine The newest test on the market is something called the first trimester screen, or the nuchal-translucency and basically it incorporates 5 different factors.
Nyberg and colleagues [12] compared second-trimester (14 to 20 weeks ... sonographic markers for trisomy 21 included the nuchal fold, short femur, and an EIF. However, the false-positive rate ...