Consider the poignant story of your baby's umbilical cord. For nine months it faithfully served as your baby's lifeline. It provided him with oxygen, with nutrients, with life itself. Now ...
What Is Cord Blood Banking? Cord blood banking is a process of collecting potentially life-saving stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta and storing them for future use. Stem cells are ...
AZ Attorney General Kris Mayes filed a lawsuit against CBR Systems, alleging the company misled parents about the medical benefits of umbilical cord blood storage and offered kickbacks to doctors.
Background and aims: Delayed umbilical cord clamping is associated with improved iron status in infants, but there are conflicting results regarding the risks of neonatal jaundice. There is a lack ...
Because natural killer cell cytotoxicity (NKC) is implicated in transplant rejection and we are involved in neonatal cardiac transplantation, it is important to understand normal NKC in neonates.