A very warm Tuesday is on tap, with highs closing in on 90-degrees due to a stalling frontal boundary along the Red River. The last time DFW hit 90 was on October 23 rd, 2024. As a weak cold front ...
Introduction The aim of this study was to compare a combination of three commonly used tests to identify scaphoid fractures with MRI in patients with normal x-ray after a wrist trauma. Patients and ...
A three-and-half-year-old child with developmental delay presented to the paediatric department with a 2-day history of high-grade fever with chills and rigours. There was associated weakness of the ...
The search for incidental brain MRI findings identified two CMTX cases (11%) with lesions suggestive of focal demyelination compared with 0 control. Moreover, 10 cases in the CMTX cohort had ...