Looking for anime like Naruto with powerful friendships and protagonists who never stay down? Here are ten shows with that same rush.
Sakura is the real underdog of the Naruto series, embodying the series' initial core theme better than anyone else.
Sasuke’s stoic demeanor was a result of self-imposed restraint to avoid forming bonds with others. Sasuke believed that ...
In addition to being a powerful ninja, Sasuke has always been good at approaching at coming up with plans to overcome a foe.
The Naruto ending nearly ruins a specific moment at the end of the first part of Naruto that really sells the lead ...
Naruto is filled with powerful emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings, showcasing the deep bonds that define the ...
From subtle nods to lightsabers and space battles, all the way to very direct homages to the series' legendary characters and themes, there are several anime that fit the bill. Anime creators have ...
In an interview, Masashi Kishimoto revealed his pre-planned approach to a legendary battle in Naruto series that outlined ...
While Masashi Kishimoto deemed his unplanned approach to Naruto as flawed, it is this very trait that makes it a masterpiece ...