New flowers will appear constantly from June until the first frost if you deadhead them, and they'll thrive in well-drained ...
On a trip from Cape Town to Pretoria, a reporter grapples with the whiplash of traveling through South Africa’s two worlds, ...
Block planting. As a space-saving alternative to single, well-spaced rows, some vegetables do very well planted in blocks of ...
As spring comes, gardens come to life with new blooms, lush greenery, and the wonderful aroma of flowers in the air.
Because life isn’t all peas and carrots, companion planting is just as effective in your ornamental beds and borders as with your vegetables.
Stretan Angel has been knocking on the door of Group 1 success. She chased home Skybird first-up in the Lightning Stakes ...
Hydrangeas may benefit from low upkeep, they can't just be planted anywhere. Here are six spots you should never plant this ...
3. Vegetables: Bean, calabaza, cantaloupe, cassava, chayote, corn, cucumbers, dasheen, eggplant, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, luffa, malanga, New Zealand spinach ...
Stave Hill is not the only modern mound in the capital, of course. The so-called Beckton Alps in east London were formed from ...
That popularity peaked and then declined into the 1990s and 2000s, with the advent of big-box stores and thriving suburban ...
Insects’ aversion to worm castings is demonstrated when they are spread over ant nests, causing the ants to remove themselves ...