Voluminous clouds of cosmic dust permeate our galaxy, but only recently has software allowed detailed observations of the ...
Astronomers have constructed the first detailed 3D map of the properties of cosmic dust in our home galaxy. For their map, the astronomers used 130 million spectra from ESA's Gaia mission, results ...
When we observe distant celestial objects, there is a possible catch: Is that star I am observing really as reddish as it ...
Astronomers rely on clear observations to study celestial objects, but cosmic dust alters what we see, making stars appear ...
Previous efforts to map the galaxy's dust were challenged by limited data, but the Gaia mission has provided a treasure trove ...
Published as a cover story in Science on Friday, this cosmic atlas solves a decade-old challenge in astronomy by revealing ...
Green. The team combined two million stellar spectra from LAMOST with positional and spectroscopic data from the European Gaia space observatory, creating a dynamic 3D map that tracks how dust ...
In a new publication in Nature Materials, an international team of researchers has developed groundbreaking artificial chains ...
Astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy have created the most comprehensive three-dimensional map of the characteristics of cosmic dust in the Milky Way galaxy, according to a study ...
As astronomers peer through telescopes across the cosmos, dust clouds may distort the light from distant objects, altering observations.