You can asthma-proof your home against allergies by staying on top of cleaning and changing air filters. Learn which changes ...
In NYC, spring kicks off tree pollen season, followed by grass pollen in the summer and weed pollen in the late summer and ...
A series of recent dust storms sweeping through the Permian Basin and beyond has stirred more than just tumbleweeds and sand.
Certain plants and pollutants are common allergic asthma triggers. Learn which outdoor allergens trigger asthma symptoms and ...
"Whenever possible, people should wear N-95 masks or respirators to limit ... With the added issues of smoke and dust, the goal of the allergy clinic's medical personnel doesn't change, Metz ...
As spring approaches, East Texans with allergies may feel the effects as recent dust storms intensify symptoms.
Yellow dust carried by westerly winds from mainland Asia is expected to continue spreading over a wide area of Japan, ...
While spring is a beautiful time of year, rampant pollen exacerbates allergy symptoms in many people and makes it difficult ...
In addition to respiratory issues, allergies can affect the skin, leading to itching or rashes. Certain medications, such as ...
Chelsea Langer, the Acting Bureau Chief for the Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau at the New Mexico Department of ...
The N95 masks that became available at the height ... SLIT is available for certain allergens, including pollen, dust mites and grass. Treatment can continue for as long as three years.