Plug your laptop in, power it off, plug in your USB thumb drive, then power back on. Right after you hit that power button, start repeatedly pressing your BIOS key and your laptop should load up its ...
Linux is an operating system that you can customize to your needs. Learn how to use these tiny Linux utilities to improve ...
Former NSA deputy director George Barnes has made his first investment as a venture capitalist for his new job at the VC ...
As huge fans of Mr Robot, we had to ask whether Offensive Security was involved in the depictions of Kali in the show.
In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of moving from Ubuntu to Linux Mint distro as my daily driver OS.
Initially Ubisoft said it wouldn't be supported, then they said it would be and now Valve have said that Assassin's Creed ...
Mechanized Corps arrived on Steam in Early Access but it was eventually abandoned. Now, a few of the original team got back ...
Proton VPN's Stealth protocol is a major part of its anti-censorship arsenal. Stealth utilises obfuscation and to mix your ...
A Chromebook boots in seconds, and updates itself in the background. No more long, arduous, fraught-with-peril updates done ...
O ver the years, many things have been said about gaming on Linux. Some of these were true at the time, some weren't, but ...
From your everyday talking cows to upside-down, rainbow-colored, ASCII art made from ridiculously large prime numbers, these ...
It sounds impossible and it ultimately is, but you can get surprisingly close to deleting yourself from the internet in 2025.