Over the centuries, Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy has often been declared the pinnacle of the medieval literary mind.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan ...
This month’s picks include everyday evildoers, Indonesian demons and a smug Brazilian serial killer. Rent or buy it on most major platforms.
Strong winds at the WRC event in Naivasha sent a tent flying, causing panic among spectators. The bizarre scene went viral, ...
Most musicians want to give it their all whenever they make a record, but it's difficult when some people don't have the ...
The Biden administration awarded more than $50 million to revitalize the port on Oregon's southwest coast, but Trump's ...
According to Abimbola, ‘writing is an enemy of remembrance’. “What do you mean, sir?” I asked. “The 256 Ifa corpus can be sectionalised into 800 large volumes.
In the wake of Anne’s execution, the King weds Jane Seymour. Marital bliss does nothing to quell Henry’s rage at his daughter, and Cromwell makes a risky play to save Princess Mary from her father’s ...
For much of his career, Touchuponastar (Star Guitar) was regarded as a good Louisiana-bred. Nothing more. Coming into ...
For the first 10 years of his career, the idea of the “real” Beck was up for grabs. You had the lo-fi folkie, the slacker ...
The PlayStation Store Spring Sale is live, and this is one of the most varied sales in recent memory and includes a ton of ...