Children spend the majority of their waking hours in daycare. But in a woefully underfunded system, there’s rarely budget to ...
Johns Hill Magnet School's kindergarten tea gives the little ones a chance to dress up and have "fancy" snacks and a dance.
Tyler Monge summarized the feeling bluntly. “The day after the season ends, we come to school and we’re just students,” he said. The football season is nearly a four-month stretch bubbling with ...
Displayed in a wicker chair on the front porch of Ben Johnson’s boyhood home, atop a hill 15 minutes southeast of downtown, ...
Despite the federal funding freeze sitting in judicial limbo, some states across the country report some funds remain frozen for various recipients of federal funds. It's left programs such as Marion ...
This is the third consecutive year of the Readers’ Choice Awards. Cash Wise was the top vote recipient earning four awards: Favorite Bakery, Favorite Groceries, honorable mention in the ...
Lawmakers were working late into the night with a committee meeting starting at almost 10 p.m. Wednesday before starting early the next day.
At stake in a case from Oklahoma is whether the court will expand the boundaries of government aid to faith-based institutions. It would be a sea change in education law.
The Legislature gave first-round approval Wednesday to a bill allowing Nebraska to implement its prescription drug donation program after a federal rule change put it on pause last year. State ...
Attorney General Jeff Jackson said he expects a federal judge will soon grant a temporary restraining order keeping the ...
This "state actor" argument may be difficult for St. Isidore's proponents to rebut. Yet, supporters of St. Isidore have an ace in the hole: that trio of recent Supreme Court opinions expanding the ...