Santosh Bakaya Publisher: Penprints, Kolkata, 2025  Price: Rs 450/- A heartfelt collection of vignettes capturing the humour, ...
Philosopher John Rawls dared to envision what a truly good and fair society would look like. It doesn’t look anything like us ...
Some bosses make work a nightmare, and sometimes, the best way to clock out for good is with a little poetic justice.
The occasional waft of smoke that drifts through the dining area serves as an aromatic reminder of the slow, patient process happening behind the scenes—a process that can’t be rushed or automated, ...
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Murphy resigned from the Department of Justice, telling NPR, 'It just was not a ...
The actress, who rose to fame with ‘Kill Bill’ and the ‘Charlie’s Angels’ films, has just returned to the screen with ...
Angela Del Toro is the one who takes up the role of the White Tiger after her uncle’s unfortunate and untimely passing in the ...