When it comes to deciding which hydrangeas you can prune in February, look out for the hydrangea paniculata (also known as ...
The climbers are H. anomala subsp. petiolaris and the evergreen H. seemannii, which is a great choice for sheltered urban spaces; and also the much smaller hydrangea scandens. Many of the popular new ...
After pruning, mulch the plant with well rotted manure or compost. If you're not sure which type of hydrangea you have, it's best just to deadhead it and observe how it grows. If you notice that it ...
Get bright and beautiful bunches of colour. Not only is the hydrangea one of the most loved flowers in the world, but it’s also reliable and easy to grow in Australia. Used by gardeners far and wide, ...
You can use climbing hydrangeas to fill shady fence gaps. This hydrangea will climb independently on walls or fences too. Furthermore, the blossoms of delicate white flowers in summer are much loved ...