There are a million ways to use LEDs to make a clock. [sjm4306] chose to go a relatively conventional route, making something that approximates a traditional analog timepiece. However, he did it ...
From childhood through middle school, I considered my life “normal.” My worries consisted of homework, grades and sports.
Time isn’t a clock, but a river. It doesn’t reset when the day is done, but flows constantly forward. You can either stand in the stream, trying to carve time into a rigid schedule, or you can step in ...
What makes for a righteous happy hour? Is it a matter of timing — the longer and more frequent the better? The diversity of options for food as well as drink? The amount of the discount? The answer, ...
Chrome numerical signs design for date or anniversary. Open sign 24 7 hours. Neon light rectangle round the clock store frame on brick wall background. 24 Hours night club or bar neon signage. Square ...