Now is the time to start your pre-breeding checks, as we are just four to five weeks away from the mating start date.
The USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service has announced it will reinstate several previously suspended reports and programs, ...
Could Texas have an official state steak soon? Lawmakers in the Texas Legislature seem to be working to make it happen.
A study from the University of Illinois reveals that heat stress significantly impacts U.S. dairy production, with smaller ...
Even mild cases can impact milk production, health and well-being. Researchers, citing expenses and losses farmers incur from ...
Heat stress lowers U.S. dairy milk production, with small farms losing more. Cooling methods help, but extreme heat still ...
With rising global temperatures due to climate change, heat stress in livestock is a growing concern. Ranier van Heerden, ...
Hello, my name is Julianna Campbell, and I am a Juniata County Dairy Miss. I want to remind everyone to get three servings of ...
Fonterra announced that it will increase payments to dairy farms with low pollution, and Nestlé and Mars will also give ...
For history buffs, the nearby town of Cottonwood Falls (practically Strong City’s conjoined twin) boasts the stunning Chase County Courthouse. This French Renaissance structure, built from local ...