Police are working to determine whether a message or statement was meant to be made on the flags, 22 of which were vandalized ...
A photograph accurately shows a U.S. "distress" flag hung upside down from the side of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park by a group of employees.
Traditionally, hanging the American flag upside down symbolizes a distress call. Gavin Carpenter, a maintenance mechanic with Yosemite, spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday and said he ...
Yosemite employees reportedly hung the flag over the side of El Capitan to protest the recent downsizing that took place as part of the Trump administration’s cost-cutting initiatives.
an upside-down American flag was hung on a park summit to protest the ongoing federal job cuts carried out by President Trump's administration. The flag was seen hanging Saturday on top of the ...
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) removed the flags that were hanging on the Cloverdale overpass on ...
A United States flag was briefly hung upside down on the iconic Monkey Face rock at Smith Rock State Park on Tuesday, an ...
Visitors to Yosemite National Park during the "firefall" phenomenon on February 22 witnessed an upside-down American flag hanging over El Capitan Yosemite employees hung the flag to protest the Trump ...
Staff members at Yosemite National Park hung an upside-down US flag on the side of the El Capitan summit on Saturday, February 22, to protest the firing of staff numbers at the park by the Trump ...
open image in gallery American flag flies upside down at a home ahead ... “No hand of man.” Shortly after hanging the banner, Yosemite National Park Service released a statement, claiming ...
An American flag was hung upside down on El Capitan at ... The flag was draped over El Capitan, a 3,000-foot mountain of sheer granite hanging over the valley and one of the park's most popular ...