Psoriasis frequently appears on the arms, often on your elbow. Several types of psoriasis may affect your arms, but plaque psoriasis is the most common. The earliest sign may be a small bump, but the ...
Rosacea is more common among fair-skinned people ages 30 to 50 years. It's slightly more common in females rather than males. Even so, rosacea can develop at any age, even during childhood. These ...
In a retrospective cohort study, ustekinumab and guselkumab show trends toward lower risk for herpes zoster in patients with ...
Psoriasis can cause patches of skin that itch, burn, or sting. Petroleum jelly may help hydrate the skin and relieve psoriasis symptoms. Petroleum jelly is an odorless, semisolid mixture of ...
The telltale itch begins subtly – perhaps a slight irritation on your arm or an uncomfortable warmth spreading across your chest. Before long, your skin erupts in patches of redness, bumps, or ...
ORLANDO, Fla. — Of the 12 biologics in four drug classes approved for treating psoriasis in the United States, interleukin 23 (IL-23) inhibitors might be exceptional, particularly if used early ...
Patients with specific dermatological immune-mediated inflammatory diseases are not at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19.
Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema share some symptoms, such as rashes, bumps, redness, and itching. However, they are different conditions, though it is possible to have more than one of them at the ...
Skin rash can be caused by several factors, including stress. Stress is a natural response one has under pressure or due to a threat. It is a situation where people do not feel in control.
Some hair removal methods may irritate your skin if you have psoriasis. However, you can take precautions such as moisturizing and testing out products on a small patch of skin. If you live with ...
People with lighter skin tones may see shades of pink or purple, whereas people with darker skin tones may see areas of whitish-gray or deeper shades of brown or black. Consult with a healthcare ...