The heritage enclave in George Town, Penang, is known as a place for beautiful art. Now, there are ugly warts. The zone is ...
Kolkata: Jadavpur University administration's graffiti clean-up drive on Tuesday chose to stay out of contentious areas and ...
With help from members of a local youth club, a graffiti artist and the borough council, the Hollinswood underpass has ...
Now, there are ugly warts. The zone is under attack by graffiti artists, who have spray-painted drawings of rotting molars, dog heads with tongues sticking out and grotesque lettering that is ...
Authorities in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut unearthed alarming details involving Sahil Shukla, accused of murdering ex-navy officer ...
A guide with a difference, this book lists street art by the famous artist that no longer lives on the street, where Banksy ...
WIND AND SEA, the fashion brainchild of Japanese stylist-photographer-director Takashi Kumagai, has partnered with Square ...
“Though these messages are positive and the drawings artistic, the method used, spray-painted graffiti on other people’s property, is a criminal act, causing the city and property owners to ...
Graffiti featuring a simple juice box and a positive affirmation has been spreading across the city, leaving many wondering ...
New art work on Graffiti Bridge in Pensacola is drawing attention to a national movement.
Historians discovered the drawings by accident as they were trying to document historical graffiti in the cave. Any possible damages to the drawings caused by the recent flooding would be due to ...